Address of the parent company

DT Holding GmbH
Kruppstraße 6
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone:   +49 721 663823 - 0

Addresses of the subsidiary companies

Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH
Kruppstraße 6
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone:   +49 721 663823 - 0

DT metronic GmbH
Kruppstraße 6
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone:   +49 721 663823 - 0

Managing Director of DT Holding GmbH
Rolf Klausmann

Managing Director of DT metronic GmbH
Rolf Klausmann
Fabian Klausmann

Managing Director of Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH
Fabian Klausmann

Commercial register of the District Court of Mannheim

Commercial register numbers
DT Holding GmbH HRB 729268
Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH HRB 505952
DT metronic GmbH  HRB 111077

Responsible chamber
IHK Karlsruhe

VAT ID numbers
Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH  DE 144 192 884
DT metronic GmbH DE 245 156 253

Web design, programming & TYPO4, CMS connection
Advertising agency for design and solutions

DT Holding GmbH, Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH and DT metronic GmbH work to provide correct and complete information on this website. However, we cannot accept any guarantee for the correctness, completeness, or quality of the information provided, nor can we guarantee it is up to date.

Liability claims resulting from material or immaterial damages related to the use or non-use of the information offered, or from the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are generally excluded unless DT Holding GmbH, Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH or DT metronic GmbH have engaged in verifiably intentional or grossly negligent actions and are culpable for these damages.

DT Holding GmbH, Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH and DT metronic GmbH expressly reserve the right to change, supplement, or delete parts of the website or the entire contents of the website without prior notice, or to cease publication of the website either temporarily or permanently.

References / links
Insofar as this website references external websites either directly or indirectly, only the providers of these pages are liable for their content and for any damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information offered there. DT Holding GmbH, Decor-Technik DT Vertrieb GmbH and DT metronic GmbH are not responsible for the content of any page accessed with such a link.