Decor-Technik Group assumes social responsibility and is involved in regional projects. As a family-run, traditional company, we feel connected to our region and want to give something back to the people who live here. In addition, the Karlsruhe region offers many good facilities and numerous opportunities:
Annual Christmas Donations
With the motto "Help Instead of Giving“, we have supported social institutions since 2011 in and around Karlsruhe every year at Christmas time. The selected organization receives a donation check in a formal handover by our apprentices. This sensitizes our newest teammates to solidarity and social engagement.
Aktionkinderschutz e.V.
We support the association Aktionkinderschutz e.V. (Child Protection Campaign) with regular donations. It sets itself the task of preventing sexual child abuse through knowledge transfer to primary schools. Through targeted educational sessions, children in first and second grades are sensitized against possible dangers. As a basis for the lessons, educators have the two books "Lisa discovers the world" and "Paul discovers the world" (both authored by Angela May and Svetlana Loutsa). Further information can be found on the association's website under
Liferun of the association Blut e.V.
The association Blut e.V. (Blood e.V.) supports people suffering from leukemia and tumors. Every year more than 490,000 citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany are affected by cancer. Blut e.V. regularly calls for typing campaigns and charitable activities such as the "Life run." In this, participating runners can run for donations for those affected from sponsors for each round. These are then passed on 100% as a direct help to cancer patients. You can learn more about Blut e.V.’s work under
We would like to actively support the worldwide protection of nature and species and, together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, take care of the preservation of endangered wild and domestic animal species. In this context, we have decided to take over six animal sponsorships in the Karlsruhe Zoological Garden. The sponsorship contributions are used only for the animals and their needs. Further information can be found on the website of
2024 Our Christmas donation of €1,000 supported the Karlsruhe Animal Welfare Association. The animal welfare association takes care of more than 1000 animals, living in the KA animal shelter every year and is therefore dependent on donations. In addition to caring for the animals and finding homes for them, the animal welfare association also neuters stray cats and investigates reports of inappropriate keeping and violations of the Animal Welfare Act. In addition, youth groups and guided tours for schools are offered, in which children learn that an animal not only brings joy but also means a lot of responsibility. Further information can be found at
In December we have actively supported the worldwide protection of nature and species and, together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, took care of the preservation of endangered wild and domestic animal species. In this context, we have decided to take over again two animal sponsorships in the Karlsruhe Zoological Garden. The sponsorship contributions are used only for the animals and their needs. Further information can be found on the website of
In May we were once again represented at the Lebenslauf in Weingarten. This event was initiated by blut e.V., which helps cancer patients and their families under the motto "Run, walk, give - for the chance of life". We support the association with a donation of €500.00 through the laps we run. Read more under:
2023 Because of the 40th anniversary of Decor-Technik we donated 500,00€ to the Lindenschule in Eggenstein in January. This amount went to the sponsoring association and will be used for a circus project at the school. The circus is the space where the young students stand in the foreground, recognize and overcome limits, are taken seriously and get the applause they deserve. Read more about the circus project under
Because of the 40th anniversary we have actively supported the worldwide protection of nature and species and, together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, took care of the preservation of endangered wild and domestic animal species. In this context, we have decided to take over four animal sponsorships in the Karlsruhe Zoological Garden. The sponsorship contributions are used only for the animals and their needs. Further information can be found on the website of
2022 As every year around Christmas time, the DT Group and its employees supported a charitable organization.This year, 1,000 euros went to the Karlsruher Kindertisch e.V. Actually, a daily hot lunch should be a matter of course in today's affluent society. And yet, even in a city like Karlsruhe, there are children whose parents cannot afford the cost of the meal. The initiators of the Karlsruhe Children's Table did not want to stand by and watch any longer. This led to the founding of the association, which has been providing direct and unbureaucratic help ever since. Read more under:
In 2022 we also have supported again the organization blut e.V. with our participation in the Weingartener Lebenslauf. The donations from the run help cancer patients and their families. In addition, the registration of new stem cell donors in the worldwide networked register of Aktion Knochenmarkspende Bayern is financed. Despite partly rainy weather, our small group of participants had a lot of fun! "Run, walk, give - for the chance of life" - under this motto we were able to reach a donation of 450,00€ with 84,5 kilometers run. Read more under:
2021 As every year around Christmas time, the DT Group together with its employees supported a charitable organization again this year. This time, 1,700 euros went to the Förderverein zur Unterstützung der onkologischen Abteilung der Kinderklinik Karlsruhe (FUoKK). The members of the FUoKK include parents, relatives and acquaintances of patients, as well as former patients, interested parties and companies, all of whom have made it their mission to give children a better chance of survival and a better stay in hospital. Whether it is the financing and purchase of medical equipment and medicines, the support of all therapies such as sports and music therapy or the installation of Internet access and the necessary equipment in the classroom - FUoKK supports in every respect in the effort to provide the young patients with the best possible care. Read more under:
2020 was not an easy year for anyone. Despite all the difficult circumstances that everyone had to cope with as a result of Covid-19, we did not miss the opportunity to support the Karlsruhe Children's Hospice Service. Especially during this time that social institutions and organizations need support, which is why we have dedicated our annual Christmas donation of € 1,500 to the „Children's Hospice Service“ in Karlsruhe. The intention of the „Karlsruhe Children's Hospice Service“ is to improve the quality of life of seriously or terminally ill children and adolescents. The Children's Hospice Service also supports parents suffering from cancer, assists the entire family and strengthens their cohesion. They accompany children and families on a difficult journey. Read more under
2019 In 2019 we were pleased to support the Karlsruhe Kindertisch e. V. with our Christmas donation. The idea of the Karlsruher Kindertisch e. V. is to give children a warm lunch every day. This should be a matter of course - but there are still parents in Karlsruhe who cannot afford the cost contribution. This is where the Karlsruher Kindertisch e. V. helps directly and unbureaucratically! You can find more information at
In 2019, we also took part in Life Run of the organization "Blut e.V." in Weingarten. Our runners were cheered on site by their life partners, children and friends. The Decor-Technik-Group team ranked 22nd out of 75 groups. We are very proud to have made our contribution to the worthwhile work of Blut e.V.
2018 the DT Group donated 1,500 euros to the association "Kinder und Jugend Arche Karlsruhe e.V." as part of its annual Christmas donation. This association supports and promotes children and young people in emotional and financial need. After school, for example, the children receive after-school care from pedagogically qualified helpers, lunch and help with their homework. Common activities such as cooking, baking and playing promote the independence and creativity of the children and make an essential contribution to their social integration. You can also find more information at
2017 We supported the Association for Children with Cancer e.V. Karlsruhe with a donation. The association looks after about 30 children who have cancer and supports their families. It offers accommodation for relatives, face-to-face conversations, parent discussions, activities and family evenings. More information can be found at
2016 Our donation went to St. Antoniusheim in Karlsruhe-Mühlburg. As in previous years, we used the time of contemplation and giving to make a donation to a social institution in the Karlsruhe area. St. Antoniusheim is a children's home that currently accommodates 90 children between 3 and 12 years of age. These are housed either in home groups or day groups. Further information can be found at
2015 Lebenshilfe Karlsruhe, Ettlingen and Umgebung e. V. were pleased with our donation. About 7.5 million severely disabled people live in Germany. Lebenshilfe (Life Help) advises people and their relatives who are affected by mental, physical or multiple disabilities. More information at
2014 We were pleased to present our Christmas donation to the association Wildwasser & Frauennotruf. Sexual violence can happen anywhere, anytime, during the day as well as at night. Mostly it's not just children and adolescents, adults can be victims too. Fear, shame, and deep mental injury keep those affected from confiding in someone. The association offers a first point of contact for those seeking help. Because subsidies from public funds are not sufficient to meet the manifold tasks and constantly increasing demand. Further information at
2013 As in previous years, we decided to replace Christmas presents to our customers with a donation. This year, our Christmas donation went to Förderverein Sonnenschein. Hospitals are usually strange and threatening to children. The Sonnenschein team tries to free children in the Karlsruhe Children’s Clinic from worries and fears with many small but effective means. A big project supported by the association is the work of the clinic clown. Three times a week he visits young and old and enriches the various departments with wit and humor. Through a child-friendly facility and by providing toys, the development association creates a veritable children's paradise. More information can be found at
2012 Again we decided to replace Christmas presents to our customers with a donation. This year our donation went to the Karlsruhe Children's Hospice. Money is needed by the children's hospice to educate volunteers through training, as well as to invest in the project "Children's Bereavement Group." Karlsruhe Children’s Hospice not only offers care for seriously ill children but also support for the entire family. In particular, the siblings or children with an ill parent are also specifically accompanied and encouraged. More information at
2011 For the first time we eliminated Christmas presents for our customers and business partners and instead supported Children's Hospice Sterntaler in Dudenhofen with a donation. The hospice cares for families with children who are terminally ill. Families are cared for on an outpatient basis as well as taken directly to the hospice and cared for around the clock. The hospice is housed in a lovingly converted old mill with an idyllic courtyard, babbling brook, many small rooms and nooks. The special atmosphere of the house offers sick children as well as their parents and siblings a place of retreat and rest, short breaks and exchanges with like-minded people. Further information can be found at