Social Engagement Decor-Technik Group

Decor-Technik Group assumes social responsibility and is involved in regional projects. As a family-run, traditional company, we feel connected to our region and want to give something back to the people who live here. In addition, the Karlsruhe region offers many good facilities and numerous opportunities:

Annual Christmas Donations

With the motto "Help Instead of Giving“, we have supported social institutions since 2011 in and around Karlsruhe every year at Christmas time. The selected organization receives a donation check in a formal handover by our apprentices. This sensitizes our newest teammates to solidarity and social engagement.


Aktionkinderschutz e.V.

We support the association Aktionkinderschutz e.V. (Child Protection Campaign) with regular donations. It sets itself the task of preventing sexual child abuse through knowledge transfer to primary schools. Through targeted educational sessions, children in first and second grades are sensitized against possible dangers.  As a basis for the lessons, educators have the two books "Lisa discovers the world" and "Paul discovers the world" (both authored by Angela May and Svetlana Loutsa). Further information can be found on the association's website under

Blut e.V.

Liferun of the association Blut e.V.

The association Blut e.V. (Blood e.V.) supports people suffering from leukemia and tumors. Every year more than 490,000 citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany are affected by cancer. Blut e.V. regularly calls for typing campaigns and charitable activities such as the "Life run." In this, participating runners can run for donations for those affected from sponsors for each round. These are then passed on 100% as a direct help to cancer patients. You can learn more about Blut e.V.’s work under


We would like to actively support the worldwide protection of nature and species and, together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, take care of the preservation of endangered wild and domestic animal species. In this context, we have decided to take over six animal sponsorships in the Karlsruhe Zoological Garden. The sponsorship contributions are used only for the animals and their needs. Further information can be found on the website of

Social commitment timeline